
The Effect of Greywater on Plant Growth, Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon, and Soil Fungi to Bacteria Ratio

Science Fair Project

Francis Lawton an 8th grader at St. Timothy School in Los Angeles, CA utilized microBIOMETER® in his science fair project titled "The Effect of Greywater on Plant Growth, Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon,and Soil Fungi to Bacteria Ratio."

Francis took first prize at the fair and is now headed to Los Angeles County Science & Engineering Fair in March. Good luck, Francis!

Have a science fair project coming up and would like to incorporate microBIOMETER®? Please contact us!

Project Abstract:

This project was designed to find out if greywater and treated greywater can safely hydrate plants, and promote plant growth, just as well as tap water. I live in drought-prone California and it’s important to find different ways of conserving water. My experiment tested the watering of grass pots with three different types of water (independent variable): Tap water, Greywater, and Greywater treated with Activated Charcoal. Over the course of 8 weeks, I measured plant growth, soil Microbial Biomass Carbon (MBC) levels and soil Fungi to Bacteria (F:B) ratio (dependent variables). Many controlled variables ensured a valid experiment. I hypothesized that each of the water types would result in the same growth rate, soil MBC and soil F:B ratio. My hypothesis, however, was incorrect. Greywater resulted in stunted growth and spiked the F:B soil ratio so high that the pot sprouted 13 fungi heads. Tap water and Treated Greywater, however, were equally good in terms of healthy plant growth and both pots had the two best average F:B ratios closest to 1:1 (which is the best ratio for grasses). Neither of these pots produced fungi. Soil carbon levels (MBC) fluctuated for all three plants, however each plant maintained an “Excellent” level. This indicated that each water type was fine for watering grass if you don’t mind stunted grass growth and some fungi in your lawn. My experiment also proved that Activated Charcoal effectively “adsorbs” chemicals in greywater that alter a soil’s F:B ratio.

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Organic Cultivator Conference 2023

Organic Cultivator Conference

Marisa represented microBIOMETER® at the Organic Cultivators Conference in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. The event was full of passionate, longtime farmers and cannabis growers looking to improve their growing methods and connect with like-minded people.

The conference featured many informative presentations from expert farmers and researchers. As always, Dr. James White was a standout as he presented his research on the rhizophagy cycle. Dr. White led a dynamic Q&A session afterwards, connecting the information from his research with the audiences’ day-to-day operations.

Another interesting presentation was Izzy Becker’s talk on how plants uptake water and the best irrigation methods and devices to use. Additionally, there was a lively discussion between organic farmer, Dan Kittredge, and renowned entomologist, Suzanne Wainwright during the Building Soil Panel. Suzanne also shared her expertise on pests and proper pest management navigating through the truths and lies within the industry.

We were excited to join NOFA/Mass at their soil testing table throughout the weekend. It allowed us to perform microBIOMETER® testing on attendees’ soil while trained NOFA technicians ran samples under the microscope.

The connections made were invaluable and we are grateful that we were able to meet such dedicated and enthusiastic growers from across the country!

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microBIOMETER® Reader app

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