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Dr. Jassem Bastaki

microBIOMETER® in the Gulf Region.

Dr. Jassem Bastaki of Sustainable Organic Q8, a microBIOMETER® distributor, is passionate about educating farmers on the importance of the life in the soil. His company has helped bring diversity above grounds back to the region in the past couple years. However, many people are still very new to the life underground and living soil.

In an effort to add some objectivity to soil biomass and increase the value of soil biomass testing, Sustainable Organic sent microBIOMETER® test kits to popular gardeners in the region. By starting to broadcast microBIOMETER® as a means of testing the biomass in the soil and amending it based on the readings received, Sustainable Organic intends to create a trend in the region shifting the focus more on the life in the soil than the mineral content.

“microBIOMETER® is an innovation that has made it possible to quantify the life in the soil. This economic tool, I believe, not only helps us improve our soil at the gardening/farming level, but it can also help us deepen our understanding and comprehension of the soil food web and the LIFE underground. This will ultimately lead to a tremendous positive change at the psychological and behavioral level. It’s common to see people in our region praising the life in the soil (finally), but then professing solarization at the end of or the beginning of a grow season. This is an obvious clash in concepts that we hope are not deeply rooted. We believe with popularizing the use of the microBIOMETER®, we can help clear the fog!" - Dr. Jassem Bataski

Click here to read more about Jassem and the work he and his company are doing.


One of the early prototypes of the microBIOMETER® soil test kit.

The Early Days of microBIOMETER®

microBIOMETER® began with Dr. Judith Fitzpatrick’s background in microbiology, medical diagnostic test development, and manufacturing combined with her new understanding and respect for the role microbes play in soil health. She realized that existing tests for soil quality were based on chemistry and physical properties not the critical role that microbes play in soil and plant health. (Read more)


Quotes, research and articles.

April 30th is National Arbor Day!

About Arbor Day: As pioneers began moving into the Nebraska Territory, the lack of trees was felt deeply. Not only did the new residents miss the trees they left behind, they were also left without the trees they needed as windbreaks to keep soil in place, for fuel and building materials, and for shade from the hot sun.

Click here to learn more!

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