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How to increase the microbial biomass of your soil.

Healthy soil is brimming with beneficial microbes, and those microbes are one of the important keys to ensuring the health of your plants.

Considering the wealth of benefits, it’s no surprise that it is recommended that you do everything you can to maximize the microbial biomass in your soil. While there’s complicated science behind it, nourishing and increasing the amount of microbes in your soil is simple, and can be accomplished with a few tried and true methods.

These methods include things to avoid including pesticides, fungicides and tilling as well as steps you can take to increase your microbial biomass such as composting, adding compost teas and monitoring your soil's pH, moisture and temperature levels for optimal results.

Incorporating these simple tactics into your crop management is an important first step to building the microbial biomass in your soil. Another critical step is testing and quantifying the results of these inputs since decision making without data is like driving blindfolded. microBIOMETER® is a rapid, on-site soil test for microbial biomass. Microbes respond very quickly to any changes in the soil, therefore, you can set a baseline then retest within a week to see if you are heading in the right direction.

Simple ways to increase the microbial biomass of your soil

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Meet the Team!

Like most start-up businesses, Prolific Earth Sciences currently maintains a small team. While listed below are the main responsibilities of each team member, rest assured on any given day many hats are worn! And as they say, teamwork makes the dreamwork. The team you see pictured here works tirelessly every day to not only achieve success for the business, but to share their passion for regenerative agriculture and increasing the health of soil around the world. (microBIOMETER® user map)

(photo above from left to right)

Janet Doherty, Director of Sales & Marketing
Jeff Hall, Director of Manufacturing
Judith Fitzpatrick, Ph. D., Founder & Principal Scientist
Laura Decker , President
Brady Trexler, Ph. D., Founder & Director of Technology


Quotes, facts and research.

Effectiveness of cover crop roots

To judge the overall effectiveness of cover crops and choose those offering the most ecosystem services, agricultural scientists must consider the plants' roots as well as above-ground biomass, according to Penn State researchers who tested the characteristics of cover crop roots in three monocultures and one mixture.

Cover crop roots are an essential key to understanding ecosystem services

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