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Here is why microBIOMETER® is the best test for soil health.

Until now tests for microbial biomass were expensive and time consuming. microBIOMETER® costs $13.50 or less and takes 20 minutes with results read by your cell phone.

▪ Only microBIOMETER® identified soil health in a U. of Tennessee study of soil health test methods including Cornell, USDA, Alabama and other soil health panels costing ten times as much.
▪ There are >2 million academic articles that use microbial biomass laboratory tests as proof of soil health. However, lab tests cost $100 - $500. microBIOMETER® takes 20 minutes at an average of $10/test.
▪ Soil microbes quickly die when removed from the soil. microBIOMETER® reveals the microbial biomass of your soil as it exists. Lab tests use dried soil and we have demonstrated that 80% of microbes die upon drying.
▪ The low cost and simplicity of microBIOMETER® means you can use it to monitor what is happening in time to make necessary corrections.
▪ microBIOMETER® can tell you if you are increasing your soil organic carbon. For instance, an increase in microbial biomass of 100 ug MBC/g per acre of agricultural land is equal to an elephant's weight in microbial biomass, which is about 400 lbs of microbial carbon or >1450 lbs of CO2 equivalents. This can be accomplished by switching from heavy chemical fertilizer use to regenerative practices.
Only microBIOMETER® identified soil health in a U. of Tennessee study of soil health test methods including Cornell, USDA, Alabama and other soil health panels costing ten times as much.
There are >2 million academic articles that use microbial biomass laboratory tests as proof of soil health. However, lab tests cost $100 - $500. microBIOMETER® takes 20 minutes at an average of $10/test.
Soil microbes quickly die when removed from the soil. microBIOMETER® reveals the microbial biomass of your soil as it exists. Lab tests use dried soil and we have demonstrated that 80% of microbes die upon drying.
The low cost and simplicity of microBIOMETER® means you can use it to monitor what is happening in time to make necessary corrections.
microBIOMETER® can tell you if you are increasing your soil organic carbon. For instance, an increase in microbial biomass of 100 ug MBC/g per acre of agricultural land is equal to an elephant's weight in microbial biomass, which is about 400 lbs of microbial carbon or >1450 lbs of CO2 equivalents. This can be accomplished by switching from heavy chemical fertilizer use to regenerative practices.

How many soil samples should I test per hectare?

We receive this question often. If the area is planted in the same crop and visibly looks the same, we recommend one microBIOMETER® soil test per hectare. If there are differences in crop or performance then these different areas should be tested as well.

Do you have questions about microBIOMETER®? Contact us and we may feature your question here!


Quotes, facts and research.

Why is testing for soil microbes important?

Measuring the amount microbes in a soil sample is important for several reasons. Usually, a healthy soil has a good mixture of different types of soil microbes, as well as adequate numbers of microbes.

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