Hampton Tomatoes rows

Hampton Tomatoes

Soil Testing Liquid Vermicompost with microBIOMETER®

Worm Power, a world leader in organic vermicompost products, helps growers improve crop yield and plant performance through increased root development and plant nutrient uptake. Worm Power’s Vermicompost Liquid Extract is shelf-stable soil amendment from liquid worm castings that have hundreds of diverse bacteria species.

The company currently utilizes the microBIOMETER® test to evaluate field trials on how their product is impacting the soil when compared to an untreated control. They like having the ability to show growers that the product is functioning as intended for increasing microbes in the soil.

Many specialty crops sterilize the soil to avoid pathogens. The addition of Worm Power’s products strives to bring soil back to a healthy and functional microbiome. microBIOMETER® provides the grower a visual measurement of the microbial community over time and the improvements gained with each application of their product. Healthy soils promote healthy plants and having a diverse microbe population is critical to this process and the microBIOMETER® provides a great tool to support their efforts.

"microBIOMETER® lets us see immediate results rather than waiting to see the increase in yield at the end of the season."

*The image above shows an example of before (control) and 4 weeks after application.

About Worm Power: Worm Power was founded in 2003 with a vision to establish a bridge between animal and plant agriculture by converting dairy farm waste into beneficial microbial products with a belief that there is a better more sustainable path forward. Today, Worm Power is the largest producer of worm casting liquid extract that is 100% sourced from controlled- environment worm castings. Worm Power Liquid extract is used throughout the world in commercial agriculture, golf courses, landscaping, and by home gardeners.

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Partnership for the Future

Global Soil Health Monitor

Aligned with the crucial agenda of COP28, Pixxel, Save Soil Foundation (SSF), and microBIOMETER® proudly announce a strategic partnership aimed at safeguarding food security and advancing soil conservation.

This collaboration represents a significant milestone in our collective commitment to addressing the pressing issue of soil desertification. Together, we embark on a journey to perceive soil health challenges both on a planetary and ground level. Our shared vision is to actively engage in research and development, exploring the feasibility of monitoring global soil health at scale.

At the heart of our partnership is the dedication to encouraging inclusive actions for soil regeneration. We recognize the importance of uniting efforts to combat soil degradation, and our joint initiative is a testament to our commitment to this cause. (Read more)


On-farm soil test promises instant 'regen measure'

Our U.K. distributor, Jack Ingle of Harvest Agri along with microBIOMETER® were featured in the Winter 2023 edition of Precise Magazine.

"Tests of this nature have previously only been available through a lab, so it's an amazing tool to have on-farm," Mr. Ingle enthuses. "It's a highly practical way to quantify fertility and soil health, and measure the effect of practices such as cover crops, inoculants and so on, in your bid to move to a more sustainable and productive farming system." (Read more)


Website Translation now available!

As a company with users in over 80 countries, we are happy to share the addition of the Google Translate feature for our website. Visitors can now easily translate the information into Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Polish and Malay.

As a reminder, the microBIOMETER® Reader App can be translated into 18 languages as well including Spanish, French, German, Hindi, Polish, Urdu, Dutch, Lithuanian, Swahili, Portuguese, Finnish, Thai, Arabic, Turkish, Indonesian, Bangla and Malay.


We are excited to be part of this movement!

Farmers, ranchers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the regenerative movement who are actively accelerating positive changes in Arizona connected Oct. 6-7, 2023, for a 1.5-day program that delivered a real action plan for regeneration in the region.

Participants worked together with Dr. Yadi Wang on the first Regenerative Organic Certified® farm in the U.S. Southwest, a model for education, inspiration, and conversation. Participants built stronger peer-to-peer relationships, shared a common understanding of critical issues, explored regenerative agriculture in practice, and developed real solutions to problems preventing progress.

Click here to learn more!

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