How do you know if your soil contains good or bad microbes?
You’ve probably read how important it is for your soil to have a large, diverse microbial population, but how do you know that all those microbes are good? Well to start, a healthy and optimal microbial population in your soil will always have a mixture of good and bad microbes.
microBIOMETER® analysis to prove the benefit of nanobubble oxygen for plant growth
IngenuityWorx has been working to prove that the application of nanobubble oxygen as an irrigation/fertigation tool can provide low cost, easily applied plant benefits both indoors and outdoors. It has been known for over 40 years that increased oxygen to plant roots in soil improves nutrient absorption, reduces effects of
Building Microbial Communities
This is an abridged version of Dr. Judith Fitzpatrick’s talk at last December’s Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag conference. Article also featured in the April 2022 issue of Acres U.S.A. magazine. When a grower first goes organic, they often have one field that’s organic and, right next to it, a field that
Build Your Microbial Biomass
A teaspoon of healthy soil contains billions of microbes. Microbes feed the plants, strengthen their roots, and increase their yields. A plant sends signals to attract the microbes it needs at any given moment. In chemical-free agriculture, there is a good marriage between plants and microbes. In a complex, self-regulating
Science Fair Project: Effects of Herbicides on the Soil
Working with students to help them better understand the complexities of soil as well as fuel their passion for the life underground has always been one of the primary goals of our company. These young minds are vital to the future of our planet. Recently, we had the pleasure of
microBIOMETER® testing at Texas Food Bank
An interview with the San Antonio Food Bank who is using microBIOMETER® in their Farm and Garden Program. How are you using microBIOMETER®? We are using microBIOMETER to track the soil health on our farms, gardens and compost. This test allows us to understand if we are providing an environment
microBIOMETER® in Urban Soil Study
Effects of Humate and Organic Based Soil Treatments on Urban Soil Characteristics Zack Shier, Board Certified Master Arborist and Plant Health Care Manager at Joseph Tree Service, is utilizing microBIOMETER® in his study titled Effects of Humate and Organic Based Soil Treatments on Urban Soil Characteristics. Introduction to the study.
Fungal testing Johnson-Su Bioreactor compost with microBIOMETER®
This article was provided to us by Scott Hortop, a retired volunteer and now student of soil, located in the Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada. Scott wants to use his retirement to do one important thing for the climate. At ONfungi we own two microBIOMETER® soil testing kits which we use
Soil research in Kenya with microBIOMETER®
Janet Atandi, a nematology PhD student in Kenya, is currently working on an assessment of banana fiber paper on soil health as part of a Wrap and Plant technology study. In brief, she is testing the long-term effect of using modified banana fiber paper to manage plant-parasitic nematodes and its
Are you increasing the nutrient value and disease resistance of your crop?
microBIOMETER® can tell you if you are increasing the nutrient value and disease resistance of your crop. A Rodale study showed greatly increased levels of the vitamins and minerals in sustainably farmed soils as opposed to mineral fertilized crops. And at Rodale, the sustainable practice yields are the same as
Nitrogen fertilizer study at Ursinus College
University study demonstrates legumes are more efficient at improving soil MBC than grasses Under the direction of Assistant Professor Denise Finney, Kylie Cherneskie, biology student at Ursinus College, conducted an experiment on the impacts of nitrogen fertilizer addition on soil microbial communities. Kylie measured microbial responses using microBIOMETER®. Click here
microBIOMETER® assists grower in selecting best fertilization regimens
Austin Arrington of Plant Group NYC performed a research study on hemp’s capacity to sequester carbon. Austin utilized microBIOMETER® in this research. We originally had the pleasure of meeting Austin through Indigo Ag’s Terraton Challenge. Plant Group is a fellow semi-finalist and alumni. Hemp has the promise of being a